The Charlesview Apartments project created a new 240-unit affordable rental housing complex in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood. It became home to former residents of a 213-unit apartment development of the same name, which was previously located nearby and was redeveloped. The $152 million project replaced the original 213 units of affordable housing while adding another 27 units. The design features townhouse and midrise apartment buildings, as well as parking and over 23,000 square feet of retail and community space.
The AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) provided $58.2 million in financing for the $152 million project in April 2011. This included a $34.7 million tax-exempt construction loan note and a $23.5 million taxable construction loan note issued by MassHousing. The HIT has been a long-time partner with project developer, The Community Builders, Inc., in creating affordable housing in the Boston area and other parts of the country, particularly through the rehabilitation of distressed public housing projects.
By rebuilding the aging Charlesview Apartments on a nearby site, this project enabled the Charlesview’s low-income residents to remain in their neighborhood in new homes they could afford. The new Charlesview provided much-needed mixed-income housing and new public spaces for the Brighton community. Of the Charlesview’s 240 units, 221 were set aside for households that meet Section 8 or Low Income Housing Tax Credit eligibility. The remaining 19 were reserved for current Charlesview residents without income restrictions.
Designed to be environmentally friendly and sustainable, the complex is LEED-certified. Its location, adjacent to three city bus routes and within walking distance of schools, shops, and other public resources, exemplifies transit oriented development.
*Job and economic impact figures are estimates calculated using IMPLAN, an input-output model, based on HIT project data. The data is current as of March 31, 2020. Economic impact data is in 2019 dollars and all other figures are nominal.
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