Economic Impact of HIT-Financed Projects in Boston

In 2023 Dollars, Since Inception*

  • Projects

  • $M

    HIT Investment Amount

  • $.0M

    Building America NMTC Allocation

  • $B

    Total Development Cost

  • Housing Units Created or Preserved
    (90% affordable)

  • $B

    Total Economic Impact

  • M

    Hours of Union Construction Work

  • Total Jobs Across Industries

  • $B

    Total Wages and Benefits

  • $.0M

    State and Local Tax Revenue Generated


Boston Investments
Cote Village The AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) is providing financing for the $49 million development of Cote Village located in Boston, MA. View
95 Saint The six story project will create 115 new units of housing with 13% of those units affordable to families earning 70% or less of the Area Median Income under the City’s I... View
Old Colony Phases Four and Five The AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust is helping to finance the combined $162.8 million developments of Old Colony Phase Four and Phase Five near South Boston’s waterfront... View

When union pension capital is invested in construction projects built with 100% union labor and creating affordable housing, we are investing in ourselves while addressing a critical community need.”

—Brian Doherty, Secretary-Treasurer, Building and Construction Trades Council of Metropolitan Boston

*Job and economic impact figures are estimates calculated using IMPLAN, an input-output model, based on HIT and HIT subsidiary Building America CDE, Inc. project data. Data is current as of December 31, 2024. Economic impact data is in 2023 dollars and all other figures are nominal.

Investors should consider the HIT’s investment objectives, risks and expenses carefully before investing. Investors may view the HIT’s current prospectus, which contains more complete information, on its website at and may obtain a copy from the HIT by calling the Marketing and Investor Relations Department at 202-331-8055. Investors should read the current prospectus carefully before investing.